In honor of Thanksgiving and the holiday season, ISSCO, INC will be hosting a blood drive on Wednesday, November 21, 2018 from 10AM - 2PM. Hosted in partnership with the Community Blood Center KC, the bloodmobile will be onsite at ISSCO's Lee's Summit headquarters. You will also be invited to eat with our team for our annual chili lunch. We'd love to welcome all of our customers, friends, family, neighboring businesses and colleagues to join us in saving lives!  Check out the below video from ISSCO INC's President, Jake Davis, inviting you to join us! 

Ready to sign up? You can one of three ways: 
1. Call ISSCO and we'll register you! 816-525-8889

2. Email and we'll register you! 

3. Visit, search the sponsor code ISSCO, and reserve your spot online! 

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